Translations out of Portuguese
Transfer a text in Brazilian Portuguese into a foreign language, while maintaining the content and ensuring that the target text sounds natural, as if it had been written by a native speaker of the target language. In the Brazilian context, translation into a foreign language is the transfer of the content of the Brazilian original into a foreign language.
Our Executive Director, Marisol Mandarino, meets all the requirements established by the ABNT 17100 standard for translation into a foreign language:
a) Higher education in translation, linguistics or language studies, or equivalent higher education that includes significant higher education training in translation (She holds a Bachelor's degree in Portuguese-English Language and Literature from UFRJ, Specialization in Portuguese-English Translation from PUC-RJ, Graduate degree in Portuguese-Spanish Translation from Universidade Gama Filho and Graduate degree in Portuguese-Spanish Interpretation from Universidade Gama Filho)
b) The equivalent of five years' full-time professional translation experience (She has worked as a full-time technical translator since 1986)